Brian Holt

Senior Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft

Brian is currently working as a senior cloud developer advocate at Microsoft and he's all about developers, developers, developers. Previously he was a JavaScript engineer at Netflix, LinkedIn and Reddit. When not working, Brian finds time to teach on Frontend Masters, run his mouth on Front End Happy Hour, travel all over the world, and play with his adorable dog. Brian is currently a resident of San Francisco, CA.

Talks by Brian Holt

Day 2
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Chaos Monkeys in Your Browser: What Chaos Engineering Means for the Front End

Chaos Monkey, but for your web app. Come learn how intentional failure injection is not only good for the back end but also for the front end. Hint: it means you’ll get paged less at 3AM, and I think we’re all happy about that. Chaos engineering is taking the web development world by storm, and for good reason. Chaos engineering is the emergent methodology of intentional causing random failures into your system. If you’re expecting your system to failure at any time, you’ll be ready for it when actually fails, right? This, until now, has been a back end practice: causing database read fails, app server lockups and the like. However we as the front end have a lot to gain from intentional failures. As an engineer at Netflix, I first hand got to see the pandemonium that Chaos Monkey causes. But more than that I got to learn quickly where our system came apart when failures happen. I’ll be share with you my hard-earned knowledge of how intentional failure injection can help your system be more resilient