Paul Oguda
Software Engineer, Tezza Business Solutions
Paul Oguda is a Spatial Planner with bias towards Smart Cities, an autodidact Programmer who loves Ruby but plays with Elixir/Erlang , Python, and Javascript at times. Furthermore, he loves GIS and Mapping and when not playing with computers he relaxes by watching local and international football. Currently Paul works at Research Solutions Africa as a location analyst.
Talks by Paul Oguda
Day 2
2:45 AM - 3:30 PM
GA Jedi Without A Master.
Formal training is advisable for many careers. However there are situations where all you have is the passion to learn something and formal training is not for you due to a number of issues. Self-teaching aka Auto didacticism helps one to become versed in a new career. Career pivoting is possible through a number of avenues, self-teaching is one of such avenues. Hence the inspiration and basis for this talk.