Ruberto Paulo
Software Engineer, Prodigy Finance
Currently working at Prodigy Finance as a Software Engineer. Ruberto is passionate about all things Ruby. He is an organizer at the South African ruby conference ‘RubyFuZa’. He spends much of his time on his Hobbies which he funds by selling old equipment from previous hobbies
Talks by Ruberto Paulo
Day 1
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM
A Practical Guide to Taming Wild Chatbots
The way we communicate with technology is ever-changing! From landline to the cell phone, letters became email, emails became text messages; we are constantly looking for effective ways of having our message understood and then getting the richest data in response. Could Chatbots be the next step? I have recently been playing a lot with Dialog flow, a free to use AI developed by Google that is used in Chatbots. The talk will go through the evolution of digital communication, what makes effective communication and then how we could replicate that within a chatbot. I will then take you through the process of integrating a Chabot with Facebook messager and finally how to then get important data from the user into our rails app. This could change the way we onboard users to our applications, and create a unique personal touch when interacting with our users. The talk will be half technical and a half practical. With the first portion of the talk being how we communicate with our users and their cognitive biases with regard to how they expect we will respond. We can then Teach Googles AI some new interactions in real time and then see how it will react to our users. The talk will include a practical how-to guide so that anyone sitting watching can then go home and do exactly what they see.