Sigu Magwa

Open Source Dev & Rails Enthusiast

An open source enthusiast who is a remote volunteer developer an open source community AgileVentures. Currently a member of Podii - software company based in Kisumu Kenya. Previously worked remotely as a coach and developer at the Swedish based academy and company Craft Academy. Been working with Ruby on Rails for a while and has a growing interest in Elixir and Phoenix.

Talks by Sigu Magwa

Day 1
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

Doing CI/CD on GitLa

In agile web development, continuous integration is a critical part of the process. Did you know you can have Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment within the same web interface? Learn how this is done on Gitlab Agile methodology involves pushing code frequently and making sure nothing breaks. Gitlab has an integrated system that allows us to continuously run tests to avoid regression failures in our code. Also of interest is how Gitlab uses Docker and kubernetes in achieving all these. We can have a look at how to set up for CI/CD and a behind the scenes on what happens